What is the wildest location or situation where you had sex?
For inspiration to spice up your sex life, check out our article: Ideas for Exciting and Exotic Lovemaking Locations
A bedroom is a comfortable place to make love, but there are so many exciting locations to have passionate sex. Whether spontaneous and urgent or planned for fun, sex in new locations can be extremely thrilling. That’s why we created a set of lovemaking coupons to help inspire you to get out and enjoy the best sex of your lives.
Why not try to check off all 69 lovemaking locations and come up with more of your own. Take a chance and create unforgettable memories together with the one you love.
In what new location or setting would you like to have sex? You may want to check out the book Romance Lady’s Travel Guide To The 50 Sexiest Destinations To Woo Your Lover for inspiration. And, when you’re on a fantasy sex vacation, don’t forget to include some fantasy roleplaying to spice up your relationship even more.
Communication is extremely important in all loving relationships. Talking and listening to each other is crucial especially when you’re first starting to date. You want to make sure you connect with the right person. But good communication needs to continue even when you’re living with each other. Without it couples can literally drift apart emotionally, end up feeling unfulfilled and eventually separating.
However, if you’re just starting a new relationship, you may find it difficult to bring up sensitive topics especially about sex. Dating questions that involve sex can make you feel uncomfortable. But, as we all know, this is exactly the time you need to be discussing all the important aspects of your life. You need to think and talk about all your likes, dislikes, desires, goals and expectations. Learning about each other’s sexual preferences and perspectives will make your relationship much more fulfilling. It also gives you a better idea about the potential for the relationship to succeed. You’ll have the information you need to decide if the relationship is one you want to develop further or not.
And if you are in a long term relationship, maintaining good communication is even more important. You may think you know your partner fairly well but we all change as we grow. Believing that you know everything about each other could actually be hurting your love life without you even realizing it. A false assumption may even be holding you back from creating an even stronger connection with the person you claim to love. Our interests and desires evolve as we learn and experience more about the world and ourselves. Your partner may have shed restrictive beliefs or inhibitions. They may even be more open to erotic adventures and sexual pleasures initially refused – activities you may even fantasize about still.
It’s curious that many people find it easier to have sex than to talk about it. Social conditioning and various inhibitions tend to make people nervous or shy about discussing this intimate topic. A good way to get the conversation started is to introduce various sex questions as part of a game. Relationship games for couples can help set the mood, the expectations and the guidelines for discussing intimate questions that you want answers to. These types of adult games include a variety of intimate questions and creative ways to stimulate your conversation.
Here are a few quick and easy sex question games that you can play anytime:
These couples games are well suited for long distance relationships when you can only communicate by email, text message or phone call. They are excellent for online dating too. If you are stuck for conversation ideas or want to know more about a potential partner, try these relationship games and get a better understanding of the person you may decide to meet in the flesh.
Playing relationship games together can make asking and answering important sex questions more fun. Spend quality time together sharing your thoughts and feelings. The emotional intimacy you create will amaze you.
If you want even more sexy ideas to talk about, get our book 469 Fun Sex Questions for Couples and prepare for a night of hot sex. It’s available for Kindle so you can download a copy right now.
Feb 11
You may see a number of resources with love and sex questions that are claimed to be fun. When dealing with sex in new relationships however, you’ll inevitably come across questions about sexually transmitted diseases, cheating, previous partners and your overall sexual history. These are important dating questions but they are definitely not fun nor are they easy to talk about. However, they are questions that you absolutely must know the answers too. Here is a sample of the types of dating questions you may encounter:
These are definitely not the type of dating questions most people want to discuss over dinner let alone during passionate foreplay leading to hot sex. But don’t get me wrong, you need to ask these serious questions and be confident about the answers you’re given. And of course, you need to be informed and truthful about your own situation. However, there are some improvements that could be made to these questions to make them more suited to conversation rather than seeming to be part of an interrogation.
One of the biggest problems I have with the style of question above is that they are all setup for yes/no answers. This doesn’t lead to any meaningful conversation. Simplistic answers provide no insight or clues as to the nature of the experience nor how it affected them personally. In my opinion, yes/no questions seem to be confrontational with somewhat negative overtones. They also tend to inhibit discussion rather than encouraging it. Followup questions make you feel like you’re being grilled. But by rephrasing them, you can set the mood for an engaging exchange of information and ideas. This will give you a much better sense of how a person thinks, feels and behaves – always remember though that what people say and do don’t always match.
Once you start the discussion, you’ll find it naturally leads to more revealing questions without making each other feel that you’re probing them.
Before you have sex with a new partner, you’ll definitely want to get the conversation onto STD’s. But before you can jump to this topic, you’ll need to develop trust in the relationship. Most people will not outright lie about this sensitive subject but they also may not be as forth coming as they should unless they feel very comfortable with you. People may leave out important details or even give misleading answers that are truthful on the surface but only hint at the information you need to know. They may also have mistaken beliefs or be misinformed such that their answers are inaccurate or even completely wrong. This means that you will need to have many deep conversations about a lot of subjects to develop a sense of your partner’s openness. You’ll also want to ask the same types of questions in multiple ways to ensure their answers are consistent.
Let’s take a look at a sample sex question: Have you ever had unprotected sex? For people who regularly wear condoms, the initial response might be “No” with little thought or hesitation. However if you ask the question: ‘What does “safe sex” mean to you?’, you may discover that their condom use is restricted to only vaginal sex for contraceptive purposes. Oral sex (both for him and her) or anal sex may not require a condom or dental dam in their opinion. These practices may not coincide with what you believe to be proper safe sex.
For more relationship and dating questions, download 500 Intimate Questions for Couples and get your conversation started. It helps guide you through these not so fun sex questions by mixing them in with others that are more fun.
One caution: when sharing secret thoughts and details with each other, start slow and get more serious as you increase your levels of trust in each other. Keep the questions light hearted and focus on relationship building questions rather than any subtle or implied accusations. Also listen intently to your partner with an open mind – you’re asking dating questions to better understand each other and develop a deeper emotional connection.
Feb 11
Sex is extremely important in a loving relationship. The intimacy and physical bonding helps strengthen the connection between couples. Hormones and body chemistry play a big part in attracting people together to have sex. But once you’re in a committed relationship, making love together becomes better as you develop more trust and start enjoying emotional intimacy in combination with the sensual pleasures. Creating a bond deeper than just friendship requires an understanding and awareness of both ourselves and our partner. Shared experiences, including foreplay and sex, give us opportunities to read each other and pick up nonverbal clues about our partner’s personality. But to get at our real desires and needs, we need to have meaningful conversations one on one.
But talking about intimate or sensitive subjects like sex can be difficult for many people. Our conversation skills tend to be focused more on socializing with friends or interacting with coworkers. Taking into account that gender stereotypes actually apply to both sexes to varying degrees, consider that men tend to have trouble expressing feelings while women tend to be shy about discussing their sexual needs. Social conditioning may inhibit how we express ourselves but we all have needs that can only be satisfied when shared with our partners. To feel really fulfilled, understood and appreciated by our partner we need to have intimate and ongoing conversations about a broad range of topics. To become sexually satisfied, we need to talk to each other about our sexual desires whatever they may be.
Many couples may have talked about sex to a certain degree while dating and assume they know what their partners want. But as you gain more experience in life, love and sex, you also grow your expectations and desires. What may have been novel and thrilling when you were younger may now be considered vanilla or plain. What you desire now might be heavenly hash drizzled with chocolate syrup and topped with whipped cream. As you become more comfortable with yourself and your partner, you may be willing and eager to explore more sophisticated sexual experiences. But unless you communicate these new desires, your partner may never realize that your love life is becoming routine or boring. And it may be happening for them too: both of you eager to explore new sensual pleasures together, but fearful of discussing any ideas for change.
This type of situation is such a shame and it affects so many couples. To ensure your relationship doesn’t fall into this trap, you need to get the conversation started. But, just like sex, you may want to warm up first. Here is a valuable resource that will help guide you through a series of intimate questions while you build your confidence and trust in each other.
Even if you’ve been married for many years, these sexy questions will help you discover even more about what and how your partner thinks about your love and sex life. They will also help you express your desires and even encourage you to discover more about yourself in the process. Download 500 Intimate Questions for Couples now and get your conversation started. You’ll both be glad you did.
Even if you’ve know your partner for many years, there are most likely many important things that have been left unsaid between the two of you. There are some aspects of your partner that may surprise or even shock you. Certain things may be fun and interesting to know about while others you absolutely must know to ensure your relationship stays together.
It can be scary yet thrilling at the same time when you start revealing more about yourselves to each other. But, by assuming or avoiding important aspects of your lives together, you could be jeopardizing your relationship. Ensure your relationship is on a strong foundation by exploring a range of life, love and sex questions for couples. You’ll be glad you did.
Check out 1000 Questions for Couples for inspiration. Set aside a bit of time and choose a few of the less sensitive questions to get your conversation started. As your level of trust increases, you’ll be amazed how you both open up and eagerly explore more intimate questions. You can even make a game of it or use them to email back and forth when you are away from each other. And if you are just starting a relationship possibly via an internet dating service, these questions provide an extremely valuable source of material to keep you talking.
While these questions are an absolute must for couples to ask while dating, over 700 of the questions are crucial for married couples to discuss too. All of these questions will help you to really get to know the thoughts, feelings and desires of the one you love.
Playing relationship games together can make asking and answering important sex questions more fun. Spend quality time together sharing your thoughts and feelings. The emotional intimacy you create will amaze you. See our article Relationship Games Make Sex Questions More Fun for more details.
If you want even more sexy ideas to talk about, get our book 469 Fun Sex Questions for Couples and prepare for a night of hot sex. It’s available for Kindle so you can download a copy right now.
Feb 11
To ensure a great relationship, couples need to talk about a lot of different things. Creating a life together means that your goals and desires need to align at least somewhat. Unless you develop the habit of having intimate conversations, there may be things left unsaid. You then begin to assume or presume what your partner might be thinking. This can lead to arguments, fights and possibly even separation and divorce. But sometimes the important questions are hard to bring up for discussion.
That’s where 500 Intimate Questions for Couples comes in to play. These are good questions but they just scratch the surface of the kinds of questions couples want to ask and have answered. Please join my husband and I as we uncover questions that may just save your marriage and fix your relationship.
We’ll take a look at dating questions, love questions, sexual questions and even ice breaker questions for singles looking to start a relationship.
We also have a collection of sex question and naughty truth or dare books available (sidebar).
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Gay and Lesbian versions are available as well.