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Daily Sex Question: Wild Locations for Lust

What is the wildest location or situation where you had sex?

For inspiration to spice up your sex life, check out our article: Ideas for Exciting and Exotic Lovemaking Locations

A bedroom is a comfortable place to make love, but there are so many exciting locations to have passionate sex. Whether spontaneous and urgent or planned for fun, sex in new locations can be extremely thrilling. That’s why we created a set of lovemaking coupons to help inspire you to get out and enjoy the best sex of your lives.

Why not try to check off all 69 lovemaking locations and come up with more of your own. Take a chance and create unforgettable memories together with the one you love.

In what new location or setting would you like to have sex? You may want to check out the book Romance Lady’s Travel Guide To The 50 Sexiest Destinations To Woo Your Lover for inspiration. And, when you’re on a fantasy sex vacation, don’t forget to include some fantasy roleplaying to spice up your relationship even more.

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